April 2017: adVenturesAcademy in the Channel Islands of California
2,450 ft. / 33.9961° N / 119.7692° W
adVenturesAcademy in the Channel Islands, CA.
in April 2017 is now open for entrepreneur applications.
Application fee: $25
Are you an adVenturesAcademy advisor, investor or industry expert? Register here.
Contact Alissa Sears for access to the password protected registration pages.
adVenturesAcademy unleashes the growth potential of high-impact enterprises and proven investors, harnessing the power of adventure to deepen engagement, redefine diligence, and build resilient growth.
Go Deep
Channel Islands Caves & Coves
Entrepreneur / Investor Immersion
April 26 – 29, 2017
Channel Islands National Park
California’s breathtaking Channel Islands are the ideal setting for innovative Investor / Entrepreneur immersion.
Key elements of
the program include
Navigating Growth: Orienteering Course
Integrates key lessons for business growth strategies within the context of orienteering and navigation highlighting business growth experts and renowned guides and outdoor industry leaders.
The Art of the Pivot:
The Role of Adaptability in Entrepreneurial Success
Kayaking exploration that integrates situational adversity that reflects challenges faced in scaling an enterprise to allow entrepreneurs and investors to work together to problem solve and create success together.
Leave No Trace to Maximize Enterprise Scalability
Leave No Trace training applied to maximizing scalability and harnessing your brand’s DNA to align your growth ecosystem, from investors to industry experts, manufacturers and beyond.
Timeline for Applicants
March 14th
Applications Close
March 14th – 20th
Review Committee reviews all applicants
March 21st
Review committee makes final selections
March 23rd
Winners notified – they have 48 hours to accept
March 29th
Winners must notify acceptance / pay program fees
April 3rd – April 18th
Mentoring Program for Program Participants
April 21st
Business Plans due
April 26th – 29th
Do you have any questions??
Contact Alissa Sears
Co-founder, adVenturesAcademy
Phone: 805-636-9929
“The exercises in the program mirror situations any entrepreneur would face running their company; aligning interests and efforts across a team, solving complex challenges, prioritizing tasks and effective communication to name a few elements.”